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On-policy Prediction with Approximation

Started by Zhihan on 2020-08-31 21:30:00 +0000.

Section headings with stars (*) compare multiple algorithms.

Presentation notes:

Why approximate value functions?

In general, the value function is smooth, which means a small change in state leads to a small change in value. Without taking advantage of this observation, the following two issues arise:

How we take advantage of the smoothness observation? One way to do so is to approximate the value function using a parameterized functional form such that its number of tunable parameters (or weights) is far less than the number of states. By doing so:

How to approximate: supervised learning using SGD

Prediction is regression. In a prediction problem, we want to learn a mapping from each state to its expected return (under some policy), the average of all seen returns so far. It happens to be that by minizing the sum of square errors of a approximator with enough capacity (like a neural network) the outputs approximate the conditional averages of the target data (conditioned on input variables). Therefore, we can use an approximator (again, assuming enough capacity) to perform prediction by training it on existing state-return data using the sum of square errors.

SGD is a online method for optimizing the weights of a regression approximator. Stochastic gradient descent (SGD) is simply gradient descent applied to batches of one pair of input and target values. As we mentioned in the last paragraph, we will be using this technique to minimize the sum of square errors.

The SGD update rule:

\[\begin{align*} \mathbf{w}_{t+1} &\leftarrow \mathbf{w}_t - \frac{1}{2} \alpha \nabla \left\{ \left[ G_t - \hat{v}(\mathbf{s}_t, \mathbf{w}_t)\right]^2 \right\} \\ &= \mathbf{w}_t + \alpha \left[ G_t - \hat{v}(\mathbf{s}_t, \mathbf{w}_t) \right] \nabla \left\{ \hat{v}(\mathbf{s}_t, \mathbf{w}_t) \right\} \\ \end{align*}\]


SGD can be conveniently applied to a linear approximator. We can easily apply the SGD update rule to a linear approximator:

\[\mathbf{w}_{t+1} \leftarrow \mathbf{w}_t + \alpha \left[ G_t - \hat{v}(\mathbf{s}_t, \mathbf{w}_t) \right] \mathbf{s}_t \nonumber \\\]

Linear approximator + feature construction = generalized linear model

By creating nonlinear transformations of input variables, a linear approximator becomes much more powerful and general. Here are two popular transformations we will consider.

Notes about the figures:

Polynomial features

Figure 1. 2D 4th-order Polynomial features (25 features in total).

Fourier features

Figure 2. 2D 4th-order Fourier features (25 features in total).

Metric of error for evaluation

It is convenient to measure the degree of error between the approximated values and the true values using, for example, root mean squared error. However, such classical metrics in ML do not reflect the frequency at which states are visited. For example, the value of a state that is never visitied by the policy of interest is in many cases less important than the value of a state that is frequently visited. Therefore, we would like to weigh the error of a state by its probability under the on-policy distribution.

By adding a slight modification to the root mean squares error function, we arrive at the following new error function, the root mean squared value error:

\[\sqrt{\text{VE}} = \sqrt{\sum_{\mathbf{s} \in \mathcal{S}} \mu(\mathbf{s}) \left[v(\mathbf{s}) - \hat{v}(\mathbf{s}, \mathbf{w})\right]^2}\]

where \(\mu\) is the on-policy distribution and \(v(\mathbf{s})\) is the true value of the state vector \(\mathbf{s}\).

Note that this metric is merely used for evaluating performance; during training, the sum of squares error is used.


Problem setup

Different MC Algorithms

Basic structure

for _ in range(num_episodes):
  # states and rewards are two lists
  # rewards[t] is the immediate reward of taking the action given by the policy in state[t]
  states, rewards = record_one_trajectory()  
  T = len(states) - 1 # last index
  G = 0  # return
  for t in range(T, -1, -1):  # T-1, T-2, ..., 1, 0
    G = self.discount_factor * G + rewards[t]
    value_learner.update(states[t], G)  # different MC algorithms differ in their value_learner

Value learner for tabular MC

class Table:

  def __init__(self, state_space_shape):
    self.sum_of_returns = np.zeros(state_space_shape)
    self.counts = np.zeros(state_space_shape) + 1e-5  # avoid division by zero
  def update(self, state:tuple, target:float) -> None:
    self.sum_of_returns[state] += target
    self.counts[state] += 1
  def v(self) -> np.array:
    """Return the learned values."""
    return self.sum_of_returns / self.counts

Value learner for gradient MC

class LinearApproximator:

  def __init__(self, lr:float, fc, state_space_shape:tuple): = lr  # learning rate
    self.fc = fc  # feature constructor
    self.w = np.zeros((self.fc.num_features, 1))
    self.state_space_shape = state_space_shape
  def calc_v(self, state:tuple) -> float:
    return float(self.w.T @ self.fc.preprocess(state))

  def calc_grad_wrt_w(self, state:tuple) -> np.array:
    return self.fc.preprocess(state)

  def update(self, state:tuple, target:float) -> None:
    self.w += * (target - self.calc_v(state)) * self.calc_grad_wrt_w(state)

  def v(self) -> np.array:
    v = np.zeros(self.state_space_shape)
    for row_ix in range(self.state_space_shape[0]):
      for col_ix in range(self.state_space_shape[1]):
        state = (row_ix, col_ix)
        v[state] = self.calc_v(state)
    return v

Root value error over time*

The root mean squared value error requires the on-policy distribution. While this can be collected during training, I find the errors more meaningful and interpretable when the on-policy distribution is approximated before training happens.

Animation 1. On-policy distribution of the optimal policy.

Some important observations of the plot below:

Figure 3. Root value error over time for different algorithms.

Learned values*

Figure 4. Values learned by different methods.

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