Hi, I am Zhihan Yang, an undergraduate student at Carleton College (MN, USA) studying Mathematics and Computer Science. You can call me Zhihan. At this point in my life, I'm interested in pursuing a career in machine-learning research (not yet sure which sub-field though).
I've been learning deep learning and reinforcement learning on my own, as my college does not quite offer them. Fortunately, I was able to get involved in some real research experiences during my first two years of college. You can check my papers from my CV (TODO). Also, if you are a college freshman who is interested in research, feel free to shoot me an email at yangz2 at carleton dot edu to ask for advices on doing so.
I use this site to organize my notes so it is not meant to be a porfolio. Despite this, I put a lot of effort in writing good-quality articles (or notes, or posts, whatever you call them) to reinforce my self-study. To my surprise, I find it pretty cool to build and maintain a personal site like this. If you want to start doing the same, make sure to check out this comprehensive course on Jekyll; it is all you need and I'm not affliated with it in any way.